Wisdom Tooth Removal | Painless Tooth Extractions | Dr.Sushma Dental



When tooth decay is so severe that the tooth cannot be saved with treatments, such as root canal and the help of antibiotics, the tooth needs to be removed. Other reasons for extracting a tooth might be severe gum disease and infection. Extraction might also be necessary for wisdom teeth, as well as crowded mouth, to prepare for orthodontics work, such as applying braces for better alignment of teeth.

Local anaesthetic is given before extraction, so you do not feel any pain. We cater to nervous patients, as well.

Post-Extraction Instructions

Bite on the gauze for at least 30 minutes, until the bleeding stops. If the bleeding continues, change the gauze and keep biting. Allow 2-3 days for the swelling and pain to subside. If the condition persists or worsens, please call us so we can give you further instruction, or to simply have a look.

  • Do not spit or suck on the area
  • No smoking
  • No drinking of alcohol
  • Avoid hot food
  • Avoid spicy food
  • Limit yourself to moderate exercise
  • Do not brush/floss around the affected area
  • Rinse gently with warm salted water

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek an opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Wisdom Teeth :

A lot of people do not feel a thing when their wisdom teeth (molars) emerge, while others experience extensive pain. The cause of pain can be overcrowding and impaction. When an erupting molar doesn’t have enough room in the jaw, it pushes the tooth in front of it, or pushes the gum and causes pain.

Common complications from impacted wisdom teeth include:

  • Decay between molars: A wisdom tooth growing sideways makes brushing and flossing difficult, therefore causing decay
  • Gum infection: swelling and bacterial infection, due to difficulty cleaning the area Infected molars can be treated with antibiotics; however, infection can keep coming back. Moreover, an impacted tooth cannot contribute to chewing, and often causes gum infection. Therefore, it is better to remove the impacted tooth.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek an opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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